1 Byungha, Shin Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) +82 42-350-3315 byungha@kaist.ac.kr Education 2007 Ph.D. Harvard University (Applied Physics) 2002 M.S. University of Michigan (MSE) 2000 B.S. Seoul National University (MSE) Professional Experience 2017.09 - present Associate Professor, Dept. Materials Sci. and Eng., KAIST 2014.03 - 2017.08 Assistant Professor, Dept. Materials Sci. and Eng., KAIST 2012.01 - 2014.02 Research Staff Member, IBM T. J. Watson Res. Ctr. 2010.05 - 2011.12 Post-doc, IBM T. J. Watson Res. Ctr. 2007.05 - 2010.03 Post-doc, Stanford University (MSE) Award 2021.12 2021년 카이스트 공과대학 기술혁신상2021.12 Technology Innovation Awards of College of Engineering, KAIST2021.11 2021년 국가연구개발 우수성과 100선 선정(과기정통부/KISTEP)2021.11 100 Outstanding Research Achievements by Ministry of Science and ICT2021.06 이달의 과학기술인상2021.06 Scientist of the Month by Ministry of Science and ICT2021.02 올해의 카이스트인 상2021.02 The 2020 KAISTian of the Year Award2020.07 2019 카이스트 대표연구성과 10선 선정2020.07 KAIST’s Top 10 Research Achievements of 20192015.10 대한금속재료학회 전자정보재료상2015.10 KIMM (The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials) Electronic Materials Award Academic Activity